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Posted by Better Daze Saturday, December 26, 2009

Friendship is supposed to be someone you can hold to and rely upon, someone you can open up and share each others thoughts someone who can tell you "you have a dirt on your face". A good friend is really hard to find and we should cherish it to the fullest. Some say in friendship there should be a compromise and understanding. We should value friendship no matter what. Betrayal is usually the cause of losing a friend, it may be through relationships or personal differences. Pretensions is what I dislike the most, wherein a person says you are friends but end up being two faced spreading lies and rumors for their own advantage. In relationships never let a third party come in between, if you are sleeping with your friends man/woman not only will it ruin friendship, but you are really asking for a fight. There might be chances to reunite however after the fact of the particular incident, things will never be the same again. For personal differences it is much easier to diagnose since it can be sorted out without any long term effect. Always remember take care of your friends, if you don't in the end you will be alone.

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